For today’s marketing tip, we’re discussing the importance of construction/temp signage for new developments. The best way to get my point across is by sharing this valuable LinkedIn post from Sean Skinner, Sr. Manager, U.S. Strategic Property Marketing at Greystar.
“How important is construction/temp 🚧 signage? (It’s kind of a big deal.)
“Over the last 10 years in multifamily housing marketing, I have seen construction signage make the difference in growing a strong interest list prior to starting pre-leasing.
“525 Olive is a great case study on how impactful construction signage can be. This 204 unit high-rise overlooking downtown San Diego and Balboa Park is averaging almost 200 prospects on our interest list a month without any additional advertising. (Despite Covid)
“The modular MDO signage on top of the construction barricades not only deters from vandalism but makes it easy for construction should they need to move the individual sections.
“Signage isn’t anything new but it can be something under-budgeted/utilized.”
A few things I’d like to add to this valuable post to make your signage more effective:
#1. The Landing Page—Your signage needs to direct people to a landing page, where they can join your “Interest List” by filling out a short form—name, email, phone, and unit type interested in.
#2. Keep It Simple—Your signage doesn’t have to be complicated. Property name, call to action, and the URL of your landing page is all you really need.
#3. Email Marketing—When people join the Interest List on your landing page, have an email marketing plan ready. You can email them 1-2 times monthly giving them construction updates on your development. Then when pre-leasing begins you have a warm list of prospects.
#4. Readability—When your construction/temp signage is hung, always review for readability. Look out for crooked banners, wrinkles, and overall poor positioning.
If you need help with signage, feel free to reach out to us here at Resident360.
Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.